Bart Mann
01/07/1946 | d.07/5/2006
Barton Mann was born January 7, 1946.
Sifu Mann was a man of many talents and passions. In addition
to being a senior member of the Duncan Leung Wing Chun lineage,
he was also a very well respected homeopathic healer, an
accomplished jazz drummer, a devoted Buddhist, and a lifelong
enthusiast. He died on his motorcycle on July 5, 2006. Sifu
Mann leaves behind a loyal following of Wing Chun practitioners,
and will be very missed by his family, his friends in his
other endeavors, and the martial arts community.
Mann was a disciple of Sifu Jerry Gardner, a disciple of
Sifu Duncan Leung.
who knew Sifu Mann know that the best way to honor him, is
to do so through your own actions - by training (in whatever
discipline) with absolute dedication and application.
- thank you for teaching us to be aware and see clearly! |